
Showing posts from October, 2017

The Good Doctor: Part 2

Hey All! Well as promised I will write my review of what I think of The Good Doctor. Well honestly I loved it! I thought it did a great job of letting me know the background of Shaun's story and how he came to be. I did think it was a little slow because of that however it had to be done. I am hooked I have to say and I thought the second episode was even better. I'll admit, I did cry but like I said last time it really hit close to home because my brother has autism and it really did upset me how Shaun is not taken seriously has a doctor because of his deficit. I did get kind of mad Let be honest, I totally forgot that it played Monday night only because I had some family matters to attend to this weekend, and as I was scrolling through my news feed I saw an ad reminding me it would be on that night at 10PM. I then immediately called my mother to tell her and she said, "well duh, I knew that!" Well thanks Mom for the update... Just because I really liked it doesn&#