The Good Doctor: Part 1

So I am here sharing with you about how excited I am about this new TV show airing tonight 9/25/2017 on ABC, The Good Doctor. This show is about a young autistic boy who happens to be a surgeon. This really hits close to home because my brother has autism and I have always wondered what he will be able to do when he gets older and this show so far (well the ads) has given me the feeling that even though he does have this disability that we will one day hopefully be successful.

Back to the show. The commercials and ads on YouTube, TV and even Instgram have shown how the majority of people are against him because of these so called "limitations" he has. Here is a video I found from YouTube of the trailer for the show that ABC has produced. It gives me chills. The Good Doctor Trailer
With this quick blurb into the show Shaun has shown that he knows what he is talking about and prove people wrong and that he is extraordinary even though he has a disability.  

I am hoping I will love this show as much as Grey's Anatomy. I will be watching this show tonight and will update you next time how how I thought it was! 


  1. I have seen commercials for this show too! It looks so good! I hope it isn't quite as intense as Grey's Anatomy. I always ended up with a headache after that because of all the emotions you go through with the actors. My roommates and I are going to try to catch the first episode tonight!

  2. I am a sucker for a good ABC TV show! I have seen the trailer for this show so many times and have already made plans to make dinner and sit on my couch and enjoy the first episode. I'm addicted to the emotional roller coaster of TV show dramas and don't think this one will disappoint.

  3. I've been looking forward to this show since the commercials came out! I think it is so great that TV shows are starting to incorporate mental disabilities into the main characters of their shows. This and Atypical on Netflix both do this. It shows that even people with mental handicaps can be successful and stars of a hit TV show. It's empowering, and I'm here for it!

  4. I am so excited to watch this show! I have it on my DVR right now and I am really excited to watch it when I can. My nephew has autistic tendencies and I think that it is great that society is showcasing the accomplishments that people with autism can have. After I saw Atypical on Netflix my heart was so full because they are actually showing what it is like for people with autism and how it affects families. I hope that the trend continues. Great post!

  5. I've been hearing about this show too! I really hope it matches the quality of Grey's! Hopefully it's on Hulu so I can keep up with it! Thanks for the link to the trailer!


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